Wednesday, 9 March 2011


Love is a strong word that has lost meaning,
The one word the is abused by all mankind,
The word that is ment to be a good feeling.

Love brings more sadness than happiness,
More sorrow than joy,
More regrets at the end of it all.

I fail to trust it but I yern to know how it feels,
I keep on holding to what could be than what is,
I seem to reject it and accept its opposite.

I loved with my heart and now its no more,
I can't imaging how stupid I've been,
And how foolish I am to be.

A heart so young yet so old,
Is the heart that will kill my soul,
The soul that I odd to protect.

I've learned to care for those that hurt me and push away those that care,
I've taught myself to love an idea as I save my soul,
The true meaning of it all is to let go and be foolishly guided by my blind heart.

I've learned my lesson and have decided,
For those who care I'm gonna love,
But ignore the heart towards those who don't!

What's the point of love?
Why do we need it?
Don't our hearts have more than enough to do already?

People claim to have felt it,
None seem to have acted it,
While some cry over it!

I'd love with my entire being and hate with my flesh.

The one I love is my DNA,
The molecules that make up my flesh and the blood that runs through my veins.

I will love nothing about him and it would make sense for us to be together,
Enemies will try but fail but our soul will concur all.

No reason is needed but the soul know if its love or heart break!

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